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1. Offers Articles on Prayer that will encourage and build your faith.
2. Offers an in depth Bible Study on Spiritual Warfare. Many people find it very useful.
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3. Offers a link to Whole Person Counseling where you may resources for help.
4. Offers a place where you may receive Personal Counseling.
5. Offers a free, easy to use, compact (1,383 KB) New Testament Bible search program (King James Version). Its features include: find or view any word, verse or chapa bter in the New Testament, copy and paste verses to your word processor, highlight text with the built-in marker, print verses, and record your own scripture notes. [Runs on Windows 3.1x, 95/98, and NT].
6. E-sword offers a down load of a fantactic complete Bible Program for your computer with many dictionaries, comentaries, Bibles translations with different translations. (The many basic programs are free but I am sure donations would be appreciated. ) You may also purchase other additons.
7. Offers a series of Teachings On Revival.
8. Offers a really neat graphically illustrated thought on How To Get To Heaven From San Angelo, Texas.
9. Offers a Links Page for others who help support this site.
10. Offers a dramatic Macromedia presentation of He is Risen!
11. Counseling Briefs in RealAudio by Basil Frasure, Ph.D.
12. Offfers many articles on Encouragement.